About us:
Venice Shorts of LA is a seasonal IMDb qualifying seasonal competition and an annual festival with live screenings, networking events and online screening through Fine Arts Theatre of Beverly Hills, various art venues in LA and partnered digital platforms. Our films have screened in various venues such as the Fine Arts Theatre and LA Indies studio.
The seasonal festival promotes the award winners to thousands of film industry professionals through LA Indies magazine, social media and various platforms.
Venice Shorts of LA was founded by a team of American and Canadian filmmakers in Venice Beach, California. The festival has turned into one of the most popular international short film festivals with sold out screenings of shorts in LA cinemas in January of every year.
Venice Shorts objective is to discover and recognize independent arthouse shorts, screenplays and indie artists from all over the globe and create further opportunities for independent filmmakers and artists to promote their projects, receive recognition and find distribution for their shorts. In the past years, emerging U.S. and international independent talents have competed alongside Oscar winning artists and nominees of Venice Shorts such as Ross Kauffman, Jeremy Irons, Jessica Chastain, Eric Roberts and Gus Vant Sant who took parts in short films which were nominated and awarded by the Venice Shorts of LA.
Next Annual Screening
October 24th to October 27th



